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National Bank

Integrated campaign, Canada wide


Copywriter - Roxanne Pelletier

Art Director - Hang Tan Tang

Director : Vanessa Gauvin-Brodeur
DOP : Clémentine Martin
Production : Roméo & Fils

Creative director - Marilou Aubin, Martin Beausejour, Lysa Petraccone

Strategy : Arthur Rollet

Agency production : Andréanne Hébert


Motion - Jean-Philippe Guy, Elisa Ferreira

Editing - Carl Munger

Flip the narrative


Too many articles aimed at women - 90% - encourage them to reduce their spending rather than invest, unlike financial articles for men.

To flip the script about women's finances, National Bank has taken over the back covers of Elle Canada, Canadian Living, Clin d’oeil, Coup de pouce, La Semaine, Véro, Les Idées de ma maison, and seven Jours for the month of March. Launched on International Women’s Day, the covers are designed to change women's conversation around investments while promoting the new series.

'Elle Invest in Yourself', 'Canadian Living off your investments': The titles of the articles and the personalities featured have been changed to give greater prominence to women in finance, and to move away from stereotypical discourse.

The campaign also includes sponsored content within the magazines themselves, social media content, digital signage, and digital ads that all direct to where the Invest in You video series and additional National Bank tools and articles are hosted.


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